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Custom Versions

Here are some of the custom versions I’ve built for clients over the years. Clicking on the images open a new tab.

Credit Cards – Norway

This is an example of a comparisons table without sliders to compare credit cards in Norway. The filters at the top let you select benefits and sort the results. The ‘Se Fordeler’ opens a complex information section with features, tables and text.

Dette er et eksempel på en sammenligningstabell uten skyveknapper for å sammenligne kredittkort i Norge. Filtrene øverst lar deg velge fordeler og sortere resultatene. ‘Se Fordeler’ åpner en kompleks informasjonsseksjon med funksjoner, tabeller og tekst.

See Norway Credit Cards Plugin

General Purpose Comparisons – Sweden

Another example without sliders. This version lets the client compare all sorts of products and services with a single plugin. The ‘Mer Information’ link opens to display features and links. The icon generation is all automated from the comparison data.

Ytterligare ett exempel utan reglage. Denna version låter klienten jämföra alla typer av produkter och tjänster med en enda plugin. Länken “Mer information” öppnas för att visa funktioner och länkar. Ikongenereringen är helt automatiserad från jämförelsedata.

See the Swedish Comparisons Plugin

Energy Comparisons (Norway)

This was a complicated project because of how electricity cost are calculated in Norway. There were a lot of calculations and filter needs to get the required outputs. All the data came via the Nordstrom API and is updated daily. The plugin allows visitors to filter by their postcode and type of energy contract.

Dette var et komplisert prosjekt på grunn av hvordan strømkostnadene beregnes i Norge. Det var mange beregninger og filterbehov for å få de nødvendige utgangene. Alle dataene kom via Nordstrom API og oppdateres daglig. Programtillegget lar besøkende filtrere etter postnummer og type energikontrakt.

See the Norwegian Energy Plugin

Loan comparisons (Finland)

One of the first custom versions I built. It’s a very simple loan comparison plugin for a lender in Finland. All you have is the single slider and some filters and the outputs. No calculations needed.

Yksi ensimmäisistä rakentamistani mukautetuista versioista. Se on erittäin yksinkertainen lainavertailulaajennus suomalaiselle lainanantajalle. Sinulla on vain yksi liukusäädin ja jotkut suodattimet ja lähdöt. Laskelmia ei tarvita.

See the Finish Loan Comparison Plugin

Loan Comparison with Application Form (Romania)

This version for a lender in Romania has a comparison table with sliders for principal and term and filters. The main difference to all the others is the application form that displays when you click on the apply button.

Această versiune pentru un creditor din România are un tabel de comparație cu glisoare pentru principal și termen și filtre. Principala diferență față de toate celelalte este formularul de cerere care se afișează când faceți clic pe butonul de aplicare.

See the Application Form Plugin

Mortgage comparison (Italy)

This comparison plugin has a pre-filter where you select mortgage and interest type to then display the results. Italy has a complicated set of rules for loan repayments so there is lots of backend calculations. This version includes a callback form.

Questo plugin di confronto ha un pre-filtro in cui selezioni il mutuo e il tipo di interesse per poi visualizzare i risultati. L’Italia ha un insieme complicato di regole per i rimborsi dei prestiti, quindi ci sono molti calcoli di backend. Questa versione include un modulo di callback.

See the Italian mortgage plugin

Loans (Norway)

This comparison plugin hides the filters and has the option to show a range of repayments (click on the image to see this in action. The other difference is the ‘tips’ that display in the results table.

Denne sammenligningspluginen skjuler filtrene og har muligheten til å vise en rekke tilbakebetalinger (klikk på bildet for å se dette i aksjon. Den andre forskjellen er “tipsene” som vises i resultattabellen.

See the Norwegian Loans plugin

Kredit Vergleich (Germany)

The sliders and filters of this loan comparison plugin are nothing special. What makes this version different is the structured data dropdown. When you change the filters the outputs switch to show alternate parameters.

Die Schieberegler und Filter dieses Kreditvergleichs-Plugins sind nichts Besonderes. Was diese Version anders macht, ist das Dropdown-Menü mit strukturierten Daten. Wenn Sie die Filter ändern, wechseln die Ausgaben zur Anzeige alternativer Parameter.

See the credit comparisons plugin

Currency Conversions (EU)

Currency conversion uses an API to get the exchange rates each morning. You can then set the amount and switch currencies. All very simple but there is a lot of data manipulation behind the outputs.

See the currency conversions plugin

Electricity (Finland)

A seemingly simple plugin with a usage slider and filters. The difference here (which you may not even see) is the outputs which change depending on the type of contract. And there is a lot of maths hidden away to calculate the monthly payments.

Näennäisesti yksinkertainen laajennus käyttöliukusäätimellä ja suodattimilla. Ero tässä (jota et ehkä edes näe) on tuotokset, jotka muuttuvat sopimustyypistä riippuen. Ja siellä on paljon matematiikkaa piilossa kuukausimaksujen laskemiseksi.

See the Finnish electricity plugin

Loans (Netherlands)

The client needed a plugin that could show a whole range of loan and investment types each with their own set of filters and output.

Bijna een standaard plugin, behalve dat deze een aantal iconen heeft om pop-ups met hulp en informatie weer te geven (modals).

See the multi-loan plugin

Funding Comparisons (Australia)

Almost a standard plugin except it has a set of icons to show help and information popups (modals).

See the Australian funding plugin

Private borrowing (USA)

This version was for a private funding company – you had to be a member to see the comparisons. The layout is fairly standard but used a URL query to filter the results (based on a separate set of questions) and then output a whole load of data when you clicked the green button

See the private borrowing plugin

Mobile phone comparisons (Sweden)

Quite an old plugin but still in use and working well. The admin page allows the site owner to create deals for each products along with the information modal.

Ganska gammal plugin men fortfarande i användning och fungerar bra. Adminsidan låter webbplatsägaren skapa erbjudanden för varje produkt tillsammans med informationsmodalen.

See the Swedish mobile phones plugin

Lending products (Germany)

This is four comparisons combined into one plugin to compare landing products in Germany. Each comparison has different inputs and outputs but uses the same core code to create the outputs.

Dies sind vier in einem Plugin kombinierte Vergleiche zum Vergleich von Landing-Products in Deutschland. Jeder Vergleich hat unterschiedliche Ein- und Ausgaben, verwendet aber denselben Kerncode zum Erstellen der Ausgaben.

See the German lending products plugin

Credit scores (Nigeria)

This version for a lender in Nigeria includes a credit score slider to filter the results. It also has a funky more info section.

See the Nigerian credit score plugin

Insurance (Switzerland)

Another multi function comparison. This time a range of insurance products in Switzerland. It was developed as one core plugin with a number of child plugins for each type of insurance. The design was kept very simple to match the client’s website styling.

Ein weiterer Multifunktionsvergleich. Diesmal eine Reihe von Versicherungsprodukten in der Schweiz. Es wurde als ein Kern-Plugin mit einer Reihe von untergeordneten Plugins für jede Versicherungsart entwickelt. Das Design wurde sehr einfach gehalten, um dem Stil der Website des Kunden zu entsprechen.

See the Swiss insurance plugin

Insurance (Sweden)

Almost a static page for this version. No sliders or filters, the main component is the ‘visa mer’ section which lists all the features of the insurance product. The admin page makes if much simpler for update the data than it would trying to recreate on a WordPress page.

Nästan en statisk sida för denna version. Inga reglage eller filter, huvudkomponenten är “visa mer”-sektionen som listar alla funktioner i försäkringsprodukten. Adminsidan gör det mycket enklare att uppdatera data än att försöka återskapa på en WordPress-sida.

See the Swedish insurance plugin

Electricity (Finland)

This version for a Finnish company requires you enter a postcode and consumption value in order to see the results. It includes filters and a contract type selector.

Tämä suomalaisen yrityksen versio edellyttää postinumeron ja kulutusarvon syöttämistä nähdäksesi tulokset. Se sisältää suodattimet ja sopimustyypin valitsimen.

See the Finnish energy plugin

Mobile Phones (Norway)

A single slider lets you set the data usage then filters to narrow down the options. A standard results table with a more info section to display all the features.

En enkelt skyveknapp lar deg angi databruken og deretter filtrere for å begrense alternativene. En standard resultattabell med en mer informasjonsseksjon for å vise alle funksjonene.

See the Norwegian mobile phones plugin

More mobile phone comparisons in Norway

And another for mobile phones in Finland

Insurance Comparisons | Electricity Comparisons | Loan Comparisons | Mobile Data Comparisons

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